Saturday, April 16, 2011


My body is shaking uncontrollably. I'm freezing cold. My throat feels on fire and cannot speak. I can't open my eyes; simply due to not having any strength. I keep shaking in hopes that a nurse will see me and give me a warm blanket. This worked, I did get the warm blanket, but I'm still cold. I keep shivering unable to get warm. I'm wondering why the nurse isn't giving me another blanket, unable to open my eyes, I can't see if anyone is paying attention to me.

Suddenly I hear a voice talking through a phone. At least this is my assumption since I can't hear the person on the other end. "She's been sleeping for over 2 hours now, she needs to go to her room. She's starting to wake up..." and she went on with some other medical gibberish that I now can't remember. All I kept thinking was that I wanted another blanket. I shivered more hoping she would see me. I was so cold.

I could tell she was near me when I finally had the strength to whisper "cold.... blanket." She proceeded by taking my temperature and telling me I was too hot and couldn't receive another blanket since I was running a fever. Dang. I continued to shiver.

I was suddenly being moved. I still couldn't open my eyes. I'm sure my perception was off, but I'm pretty sure I went through an elevator and down a couple hallways to get to my room.

I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. Paul was finally able to come and see me and he told me he was waiting in the family lounge for over 7 hours. Still unable to talk or really open my eyes, I kept trying to tell him my head was hurting. I'm sure I managed to get the words out somehow... and he took the pony-tail out that I had in. My hair was engrossed with iodine, it felt dirty, but I didn't care I just wanted to sleep. My head hurt so bad I couldn't get comfortable, I had to try and sleep from one side or another.

I'm not sure how long Paul stayed there, but I remember thinking I wanted him to go eat something and get some rest. After he left, all I could do was sleep.


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